Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas Break
Yes! Break.
I am excited about the break, not because of the christmas tree or the gifts.. well maybe gifts, but mainly because it is homework free! Stress is unlikely to be free, since you can always count on relatives for that at family gatherings. Rob and I have safely arrived at Pheonix, AZ for christmas with his parents. Mine are also coming over later on this week. It will be a "parents" christmas filled with awkward moments and embarrassing stories. Like that time you peed your pants, or that other time you went to the wrong bathroom... and all these other times that you don't want to talk about.
Our trip was alright. Southwest were on time. We did some christmas shopping today, driving around in the sexy sexy BMW Z4. (Thanks, Tom and Carol) It is a cool idea.... but just way to tiny for us. Especially when i' m used to driving around in a big tall SUV, suddenly i am a field rat running around on the ground, or it feels like it. I would rather have a bigger car. In the matter of getting killed and killing. I choose the latter.
Carol got sick from her beloved grandson, Logan. It is just the classic bitter sweet. Because of her Lupus, it takes a long time for her to get over even the commonest cold. I wish she could get better soon. She is the sweetest lady ever. And she has this glamorous personality. It's like being with a very down to early movie star, charming and lovable!
I'm going back to Texas with my folks on 26th. Really looking forward to see Elaine. I heard there will be lots of stories. I really should email her. I got to see Aaron, Guanting and Jane before i left, jane jane left campus real early this semester (grrrr)... I didn't get to see jason, which i sorta looked forward to. oh well... i got a couple of the grades back, they are not super great. but i'll see to that later.
Happy holidays everyone! I will be driving my sexy Z4 till 26th!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Super Mario 2 = Super Drug Induced
Yay! I finally got some time to finish up my super mario 2. This one is definitely the odd ball in the mario family. I guess at the end, they try to say it's in Mario's dream. But i really think whoever wrote this game was just trippin' on LSD. There are weird purple aliens, frogs, rats, monkey, train, and all sorts of weird characters! Oh man, it was hard though. Those old nintendo games are way harder than the newer ones. It's a lot of fun. I started Mario 3 but got bored, cause the pace is a lot slower, the worlds are shorter, it just seems not as fun any more....
Well, well. I finished my two exam today. So now for friday, there's stat homework due. I have my kinetics final on Saturday afternoon. Then the next week, control final on monday. stat final on thursday. Lab report due on Thursday. Then i think i should be done.
Say wha?
Image source:
I'm studying for the 430 mini-final, we have to know these "technological" disaster case studies. So what do we come to learn... um... things blow up because people did wha???
1) Try to replcace pipings while the process is up and running!
2) Hook up the switch in reverse position, on=off, off=on
3) No pressure relief valve on the reactor tank...
4) build houses on heavily chemical contaminanted land, and "donate" it to the educational board for a dollar
5) pay a railroad contractor to build a dam...
the list of most stupid causes goes on, but "i couldn't help by wonder", are these really technological disaster? Have we been all blaming the wrong "guy"? Mr. Tech must be so sad. It's the people's own stupidity...
It's sad but extremely funny in a sick sick way. My face kept getting confused about the emotions on display...
5% vs. 10 %
So i stayed up most of the night to study for Control quiz and 430 exam. Surprisingly i discovered that, the bi-weekly control quizzes are worth 10% of my grade per quiz, whereas, the 430 "mini-final" is only worth 5%, but the latter has way more material to study for, lots of memorizations.
Well, the decision was made. I dedicated most of my time last night for control. Luckily i have a 3 hour break between control and 430, so i'll continue my studying then. Robert has a big day today, 1 hour presentation, solid interviews and the lab tour! Good luck, baby. I love you, and always will stand by you.
Time to go take my quiz,
Well, the decision was made. I dedicated most of my time last night for control. Luckily i have a 3 hour break between control and 430, so i'll continue my studying then. Robert has a big day today, 1 hour presentation, solid interviews and the lab tour! Good luck, baby. I love you, and always will stand by you.
Time to go take my quiz,
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Portland, OR
Rob has left for Portland OR for a site visit/interview. Wish him luck. I heard the weather would be nice there, in the higher 60's actually. He will be heading back on Tues.
So i'll be sleeping alone for a few days. Having the bed all to myself! aww... i'll miss him.
So i'll be sleeping alone for a few days. Having the bed all to myself! aww... i'll miss him.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
A pain in the neck
I woke up this morning with 1/5 of the normal range of motion left on my neck. I turn my entire body around just so i can see beyond 45 degrees angles on both sides. I have pulled something in my neck. Now it is awekward and painful no matter what position it is in. I'm very close to reaching out and pop some pain killer. But then, i don't think i should, cause if i'm not feeling the pain, i might be less careful and pull it even worse. Afterall, feeling "pain" is self-protecting mechanism enbeded in the body. So i just have to suck it up and try to get over it in the next couple of days.
The semester is coming to an end, so is my drive for schoolwork, assuming i ever had some at one point or another. I thought alot about relatives, it really reminds me about the situation about the neck. Relatives can be such a pain in the neck. other times, they are essential to you life, like your neck, without it, you are useless. Only if "relative troubles" can be healed as fast as neck pain. In a couple of days, i will be able to turn my head again. But relative trouble are just there always, year after year. I read something on a friend's blog one time that i can really relate to just about now.
"Sometimes, I really feel like people who are related by blood may not be as close as friends who is not related at all. People are friends or friendly with each other because there is a common ground. For the relatives, these people were given the common ground ever since they were born. Instead of using this common ground, people would go out of their ways to find a common ground with someone that they don't even know. People needed to be connected with others naturally. Even the loneliest painter who always works in his studio wants to have someone who can understand his art. Instead of using this born-given common ground, some people decided to reject it. Some people wanted to be the lone wolf, but he or she can never leave the humanity. He or she needed to be connected with other people in order to stay alive. I really don't understand this type of person. Some advantages were given to you, but you just don't want to use it at all. Even we are related by blood, I don't feel like I know the person at all. I have cousins that I don't even know where he or she lives? What are they doing? How old are they now? What has been happening with them? This just doesn't really make sense. I don't know anything about this relatives without even getting into conflicts or fights with them. It's not like something bad happened and we hate each other, or our parents hate each other. It's just natural ignorance. People take too many things for granted. One of my friends always says "Food on other people's plate always seems better." Instead of eating her own food, she has to fight with another person to get someone else's food. This just doesn't make sense at all. Instead of using what you have already, you would fight, work, and put in a lot of effort for something that's the same as what you have, or even worse. This is a type of human nature. It is so sad that this is happening to us."
- Jane Huang August 06 10:46 PM
The semester is coming to an end, so is my drive for schoolwork, assuming i ever had some at one point or another. I thought alot about relatives, it really reminds me about the situation about the neck. Relatives can be such a pain in the neck. other times, they are essential to you life, like your neck, without it, you are useless. Only if "relative troubles" can be healed as fast as neck pain. In a couple of days, i will be able to turn my head again. But relative trouble are just there always, year after year. I read something on a friend's blog one time that i can really relate to just about now.
"Sometimes, I really feel like people who are related by blood may not be as close as friends who is not related at all. People are friends or friendly with each other because there is a common ground. For the relatives, these people were given the common ground ever since they were born. Instead of using this common ground, people would go out of their ways to find a common ground with someone that they don't even know. People needed to be connected with others naturally. Even the loneliest painter who always works in his studio wants to have someone who can understand his art. Instead of using this born-given common ground, some people decided to reject it. Some people wanted to be the lone wolf, but he or she can never leave the humanity. He or she needed to be connected with other people in order to stay alive. I really don't understand this type of person. Some advantages were given to you, but you just don't want to use it at all. Even we are related by blood, I don't feel like I know the person at all. I have cousins that I don't even know where he or she lives? What are they doing? How old are they now? What has been happening with them? This just doesn't really make sense. I don't know anything about this relatives without even getting into conflicts or fights with them. It's not like something bad happened and we hate each other, or our parents hate each other. It's just natural ignorance. People take too many things for granted. One of my friends always says "Food on other people's plate always seems better." Instead of eating her own food, she has to fight with another person to get someone else's food. This just doesn't make sense at all. Instead of using what you have already, you would fight, work, and put in a lot of effort for something that's the same as what you have, or even worse. This is a type of human nature. It is so sad that this is happening to us."
- Jane Huang August 06 10:46 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
It will change your life! the perfect sunglasses that i saw will make me speechless, because it speaks for itself~
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you,
the one and the only DG 826 S !!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are shopping for christmas ideas, you better bookmark this baby!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you,
the one and the only DG 826 S !!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are shopping for christmas ideas, you better bookmark this baby!
"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"
Yay! I woke up this morning, the room is bright! I looked outside, ah-ha! snow, EVERYWHERE. It's really kinda exciting, up until i stepped outside. There's snow on top of ice from last night. it's not all that fun anymore. I had hang on to Rob the whole time and hope i don't end up kissing the ground.
Despite the troublesome weather, i actually managed to make it to classes this morning. and it's a sweet thing that i did, we got 5 extra points for coming to stat 400 lecture this morning. I guess my instructor was just looking for brownie points on the evaluation forms, since we filled those out right after. Lina was all bitter, since she's been to class all semester but one lecture, and I just "stop by" now and then, still got the points. hehehe I love lina.
Control was good also. We did example problems that was supposed to be similar on question for quiz next monday. Now that's easier to study for, i am not worried as much.
This week has been just way "under-productive"...
Yay! I woke up this morning, the room is bright! I looked outside, ah-ha! snow, EVERYWHERE. It's really kinda exciting, up until i stepped outside. There's snow on top of ice from last night. it's not all that fun anymore. I had hang on to Rob the whole time and hope i don't end up kissing the ground.
I bundled myself up in layers, earmuffs and baseball cap PLUS my thick winter jacket. If you have seen me out today, i probably look like the silly penguin from "Happy Feet" and you would have not recognized me at all. All you can see if just a big white puff ball, with baseball cap sticking out in the front. hahahaha When i got on the bus, i had my coffee mug, lunch box and purse in my hands, didn't really had a chance to remove all these layers, and i realized that i can NOT move at all! I had trouble even tilting my head to check my stop. Anyway, it's nice to stay warm under layers of clothes on a cold winter day. Houston sounds really nice right about now.

Image source:
Control was good also. We did example problems that was supposed to be similar on question for quiz next monday. Now that's easier to study for, i am not worried as much.
This week has been just way "under-productive"...
It is freezing outside! and raining! Gee, it's gonna snow tomorrow, slippery grounds kill people! But i am glad winter finally came, i've always love the crisp feeling you get when you step outside. Click here for weather forecast in Champaign, IL.
I finally got around to calling grandma tonight. It is always very uplifting to hear her voice and just talk to her about whatever. Somehow i promised her to buy her a big house and a talking camera! hahahaha

I miss my mommy.
I told her about the ungrateful brat. and i guess i wasn't looking for anything really... just to let it out to someone. Talked to holly when she's there also. She doesn't seem be doing much. My poor aunt still surround her own life around holly. Just like any other mother i know. I told my grandma i don't want to go to my own graduation. But i guess just for parents sake, it just has to be done. She suggested to call my uncle to see if he can help with the brat situation. I'm still thinking about it. If she doesn't change her behavior, i guess at one point or another, i'll have to kick her out somehow. My poor mother.
Haven't been too productive. Control quiz and 430 quiz on monday. Lots to study for. I hate this "post-break" syndrome. I just want to sleep!
speaking of which. Sleep sounds good.
I finally got around to calling grandma tonight. It is always very uplifting to hear her voice and just talk to her about whatever. Somehow i promised her to buy her a big house and a talking camera! hahahaha

I miss my mommy.
I told her about the ungrateful brat. and i guess i wasn't looking for anything really... just to let it out to someone. Talked to holly when she's there also. She doesn't seem be doing much. My poor aunt still surround her own life around holly. Just like any other mother i know. I told my grandma i don't want to go to my own graduation. But i guess just for parents sake, it just has to be done. She suggested to call my uncle to see if he can help with the brat situation. I'm still thinking about it. If she doesn't change her behavior, i guess at one point or another, i'll have to kick her out somehow. My poor mother.
Haven't been too productive. Control quiz and 430 quiz on monday. Lots to study for. I hate this "post-break" syndrome. I just want to sleep!
speaking of which. Sleep sounds good.
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