昨天晚上邪了门儿的清闲,可能是因为周六吧! 有活儿也不想干! Hooray! 给宋暖打了个电话, 聊了好一阵~幸福啊幸福, 没有毕业设计捣乱! 怀念以前可以天天见到的日子。 小宋说“你回来 我天天陪你”, 心里热乎乎的!祝你心想事成!有一个朋友说 两个人在一起是件很累的事儿。我觉得说的对。 但是有一个能让人即使受累, 也要在一起的伴侣是绝对幸福的,不是因为幸运,是因为种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆。什么浪漫 爱情 是累了半天的奖品,不是回报,没有保证的回报, 有期待的人, 特别是女人, 都是活在危险中。 生活是另一码子事儿!幸福是需要主动索取的,不是等待别人,期待别人因为“回报”而给于的。 我深深地相信这一点,就算是经验之谈也好,邪门歪道也罢, 我是幸福的。 这是我成功索取幸福的见证。
I love you - it's what i do
It's what i sacrifice,
Not what i say or think.
I demand your love, your time, your energy
With my sacrifices for you.
Love me,
Sacrifice for me,
Need me or even hate me for loving you,
Otherwise, let me show you out.
I am here,
Standing right here.
See me, acknowledge me.
That is the least you could do
As a civilized man,
Or a man at all.
Love me or just get the F* out of life.If you do love me,
Show me,
Prove it to me everyday,
Every moment of your life.
If you don't have the intention to stay
To work for my sacrifice,
Then don't bother.
Do me a favor,
Let me do you and leave you.
I deserve the pleasure,
And you deserve to suffer
Without me.
I love you - it's what i do
It's what i sacrifice,
Not what i say or think.
I demand your love, your time, your energy
With my sacrifices for you.
Love me,
Sacrifice for me,
Need me or even hate me for loving you,
Otherwise, let me show you out.
I am here,
Standing right here.
See me, acknowledge me.
That is the least you could do
As a civilized man,
Or a man at all.
Love me or just get the F* out of life.If you do love me,
Show me,
Prove it to me everyday,
Every moment of your life.
If you don't have the intention to stay
To work for my sacrifice,
Then don't bother.
Do me a favor,
Let me do you and leave you.
I deserve the pleasure,
And you deserve to suffer
Without me.
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