Monday, May 15, 2006

O'Hare Airport and Weimaraner


1. Weimaraners are very energetic animals...they are bred to hunt all day with their master. Changing this behavior changes the essential Weim. If you can not deal with this behavior, you should look at other breeds less rambunctious!

2. Weims are not soft mouthed like a Golden Retriever or Irish Setter. They are still the game hunter and some Weims have a low tolerance for small fur bearing animals including cats and small dogs. Changing this behavior again changes the basic temperament of the dog.

3. Weims can bark and if you are away from them too much and they are left to themselves, Weimaraners are like any other lonely dog, they will bark incessantly and develop bad habits or try escaping their surroundings.

4. Although Weimaraners are hunting dogs, they do not like living outdoors. They require your attention. They are the true, loyal, hunting companions in every respect, needing your friendship. Chaining a Weim outside will not work!

5. Inspite of the folklore and myth surrounding the breed, the Weimaraner is not a wonder dog. Given the opportunity, he will still steal the pot roast off the dining room table when no one is looking!

Sorry about not updating for the last couple of days, i have not had access to internet in SD. We had a great time with Rob's family, went to his sister, Jill's graduation. We are so proud of her. She is now officially Dr. J. Larsen. Yep, she beat her brother to it... hopefully Rob will catch up and graduate soon also.

i'm in ORD right now. paying for 7-dollars-a-day internet. Well, what can you do. We got here 6 in the morning, out flight leaves at 12 noon. NOthing else do for 6 hrs. (yes, i played my yoshi game for a while), but since i already beat the game before final, it was technically boring....

So I present you my future puppy baby! YES i know for SURE i will have one of these babes in another year or so....

The original Weimar Pointers appeared in the 19th century. They were prized for their versatile hunting skills and remarkable character. In the early part of the century, the Nobles of Weimar were avid sportsmen and hunted a variety of big game. They required of the Weimaraner an exceptional tracking ability, speed, courage and durability. Their breeding programs developed these specific traits and qualities. More likely by accident, they produced the distinctive gray coat color that is the hallmark of the breed.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pap Test and Colp

this is an audio post - click to play

Tang Dynasty

OK, so it's settled. I was definitely born into the wrong Era. I mean come on, If i were to live in the Tang Dynasty, I'll be the next 杨贵妃, no, i mean 孔贵妃。 hahahaha

My roommate thought so too. And we all know, Jane Wang is always right! hehehe

Oh btw Tang Dynasty in champaign is my favorite restaurant on campus. I heard they changed chef, don't know how it is now. I had a terrific b day party there not long ago. Thank you so much for ALL of YOU wonderful people in my life.

I am truly blessed.


This is one of my all time favorite dishes. The recipe I found here was supposed to be very easy to follow. If you only see a whole bunch of codes, you probably have to switch your encoding to Simplified Chinese.

If you dont read Chinese, then Oh well, too bad. Should have learn that one before too late!

Cause we are AWESOME! hehehehe

Love, KongKong









Eminem + Marilyn Manson

The Way I am (remix with Marilyn Manson)

So explosively AWESOME!!!


I love watermelon seeds.

NOOOOOO not the raw ones you idiot! the chinese styled cooked ones flavored with butter and licorice.

"yuck, what is this? Black licorice is soooo nasty!"

Who the hell eats black licorice by itself? Maybe sick Chinese people.

You got to try it once, just once. Come on, if something like Chinese 瓜子,been sticking around for centuries, and people are still eating them all the time, raving about how good they taste. How bad can it be?

What's there to lose? Worst comes to worst, you can spit them out and rinse your mouth with some nasty mouthwash.

Most chinese people probably will tell you the same thing about CHEESE!! Yes, 芝士,nasty! But i tried it, and tried it, and tried it. Now i can't live without it.

Moral of the story? --try some black licorice/butter flavored 瓜子 before you see god or whoever you see....

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


where did it go? Marbles!??

Reactor was Dopyyyy

Reactor was finally done with !

The final was bad, at least for me. Stupid TA spreading rumors about no bioreactor stuff on the final, so i skipped the whole enzymatic rxn part (stupid!!!). And what happened then? there is a problem on the stuff i don't have down on my sheet!!!

Over with, that's the key! it's O-v-E-r ! No more polymath nonsense...

I bought extended summer insurance today. It was 164 dollars. I guess it's not bad for 3 months coverage, considering there's always some way i can get myself screwed with medical expense every year.

Let's revisit some of my painful memory, shall we?

- summer 2004 Some severe UTI episode, one $400 shots followed by some expensive $200 antibiotics, I just forgot to buy the extended student issurance

- Spring 2005 21th b day alcohol episode, issurance - check, coverage - NONE... Alche related, so it was some 2000 dollars minus from my wealth

- Summer 2006 To be continue...

Before Thursday = Mass transfer final, Pack for China, and Finacial Aid stuff and whatever else i forgot... Oh yea, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

Monday, May 08, 2006

Coffee AM I?

You Are a Frappacino

At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern

At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent

You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet

Your caffeine addiction level: low

Be Gone ChBE!! For the love of GOD!!!

Be gone!!!! ChBE final sucks AAA...
Yes, we have chbe on Tues and Thurs.
Yes, I have to pack sometime before Thursday morning.
Yes, I need to study my ass off sometime before then also.
Yes, I hate chbe.
Yes, I want to be a housewives with babies and puppies.
Yes, i don't know why the hell am i going thru with this bull crap.

And yes, you just read my blog!