Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Reactor was Dopyyyy

Reactor was finally done with !

The final was bad, at least for me. Stupid TA spreading rumors about no bioreactor stuff on the final, so i skipped the whole enzymatic rxn part (stupid!!!). And what happened then? there is a problem on the stuff i don't have down on my sheet!!!

Over with, that's the key! it's O-v-E-r ! No more polymath nonsense...

I bought extended summer insurance today. It was 164 dollars. I guess it's not bad for 3 months coverage, considering there's always some way i can get myself screwed with medical expense every year.

Let's revisit some of my painful memory, shall we?

- summer 2004 Some severe UTI episode, one $400 shots followed by some expensive $200 antibiotics, I just forgot to buy the extended student issurance

- Spring 2005 21th b day alcohol episode, issurance - check, coverage - NONE... Alche related, so it was some 2000 dollars minus from my wealth

- Summer 2006 To be continue...

Before Thursday = Mass transfer final, Pack for China, and Finacial Aid stuff and whatever else i forgot... Oh yea, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

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